Greater Baltimore Property Management Blog

July 2024 Newsletter

System - Monday, July 8, 2024
PropertyWize Monthly Newsletter | July 2024, Issue No. 24


July 2024 | Issue No. 24

Check out the newest issue of our monthly e-newsletter that features our newly implemented process updates, industry-related news, and our latest blog articles.

Here's what we have for you for this month.

Maintaining a Smooth Partnership: Key Reminders

As we continue our partnership, we want to reiterate some important aspects of our management agreement to ensure smooth and efficient operations for all parties involved.

1. Communication with PropertyWize

To enhance our communication and streamline processes, we kindly remind you to utilize our dedicated Owner Portal for all communications. This ensures that we can track and address your concerns promptly. The Owner Portal is designed to keep all communication organized and ensures that your inquiries are addressed in a timely manner.

2. Tenant Interaction

To maintain a professional and harmonious relationship with tenants, please avoid contacting them directly. All communications should be routed through us to ensure consistency and avoid any potential misunderstandings. This practice helps us provide a seamless experience for both you and the tenants.

3. Property Access

As stipulated in our contract, accessing the property without advance notice is a liability issue. It is crucial to inform us prior to any visits or inspections to the property. This policy ensures the safety and privacy of the tenants and adheres to legal requirements.

We value your trust and partnership. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

PropertyWize Maintenance Program

We would like to remind you about our comprehensive Maintenance Program, designed to preserve and enhance the value of your investment.

Our Maintenance Program offers various options tailored to your needs, allowing you to choose the level of service that best fits your property and budget.

By participating in our Maintenance Program, you help ensure a well-maintained property, satisfied tenants, and reduced turnover. For more details, please refer to our Maintenance Program Guide.

Action Required:

Please check in to confirm which option of the maintenance program you have elected to participate in. If we do not receive a response, you will be automatically enrolled in our standard plan.

Maintenance Program Guide

PropertyWize Rental Owner Statements

Running the rental owner statement report is very important in determining the amount of your available disbursement payment. The rental owner statement will show you all the transactions affecting the owner’s available cash. It is a great place to find missing or incorrect transactions on your rental property that will cause inaccurate information. 

Some Tips When Running Owner Statement
  • Check the property beginning balance. At times, changes to past transactions can affect the owner’s running available for payment balance. Running a rental owner statement with a prior start date will help you find discrepancies. 

  • Run the rental owner statement including the transaction details. Seeing more a more detailed view can also help to find discrepancies or missing transactions

When to Use It
  • This is the best summary report to give to a rental owner each month 

  • Track the cash flow of the property(s) 

  • Report liabilities held 

  • Determine income and expenses recorded for an owner 

  • View the amount you should pay your owners 

  • Determine when an owner was not paid the correct amount

Important Information
  • The rental owner statement runs on a cash basis. 

  • The beginning cash balance is the amount owed to/from the rental owner, less tenant liabilities and property reserves, as of the day before the date range of the report. For example, if the report has a date range of July 1 through July 31, then the beginning balance is as of June 30.

  •  The beginning balance will represent a number other than $0 if you hold back money for a property reserve, are holding tenant liabilities, or if your reporting cycle differs from when you pay your rental owner. For example, if you pay a rental owner on the 4th of each month, a report run from the 1st through the 31st might not show a $0 beginning balance.

Instructions How to Run Owner Statement

  • Go to the Reports menu
  • Click the Rental Owner Statement link
  • Select your report parameters. More details:
  • Click Download report!

Schedule a Consultation Now!

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty

Enjoy Summer with our exclusive offer:

4.5% Commission on sales price.
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

Log In to Owner's Portal

Copyright © 2024 PropertyWize, LLC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a current client of PropertyWize.

Our mailing address is:
PropertyWize, LLC
10 Gerard Ave Ste 203
Lutherville, MD 21093-3206
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PropertyWize, LLC · 10 Gerard Ave Ste 203 · Lutherville, MD 21093-3206 · USA

May 2024 Newsletter

System - Friday, May 3, 2024

PropertyWize Monthly Newsletter | April 2024, Issue No. 21


May 2024 | Issue No. 22

Check out the newest issue of our monthly e-newsletter that features our newly implemented process updates, industry-related news, and our latest blog articles.

Here's what we have for you for this month.

Unveiling the Realities of Owning an Investment Property

Dear Investors,

 Navigating the world of property investment entails not just the anticipation of favorable outcomes but also the readiness to confront less-than-ideal scenarios. Here are seven crucial realities that every property investor should be mindful of:

Deferred Maintenance
 Investing in rental properties in Maryland comes with the harsh reality of navigating stringent landlord-tenant laws. Landlords are mandated to maintain their rental properties in compliance with health and safety regulations. However, they also bear the responsibility of promptly addressing serious hazards that could jeopardize a tenant's well-being, health, or safety.

 Should a landlord neglect to rectify these issues despite being duly notified by the tenant, the tenant retains the option to pursue legal recourse by filing a claim with the court. This can potentially lead an investor to lose a lot of their resources especially in more tenant friendly jurisdictions. This legal obligation places landlords under significant pressure to ensure the habitability and safety of their rental properties, underscoring the complex and demanding nature of property investment in Maryland.

Cash Flow Fluctuations: Even properties initially generating positive cash flow can swiftly turn negative, often due to unforeseen maintenance expenses. It's prudent to maintain a cash flow buffer to mitigate such eventualities.

Maintenance Demands: All properties require upkeep. Costly repairs, such as fixing structural defects or installing modern amenities, can arise unexpectedly.

Vacancy Risks: Even in high-demand rental markets, vacancies can and will occur. Factors like overpricing, market fluctuations, quality tenants interest in your property, or timing can contribute to prolonged vacancy periods, impacting rental income.

Tenant Challenges: Despite thorough screening processes, landlords may still encounter challenges with tenants who neglect property maintenance or violate lease agreements. It's essential to recognize that even well-screened tenants are susceptible to unforeseen circumstances such as medical emergencies, personal crises, or financial hardships, which can impact their ability to fulfill their obligations.

*Our landlord's insurance serves as a vital safety net against potential losses resulting from tenant-related issues. While diligent tenant screening is crucial, having added coverage provides added protection and peace of mind for landlords in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond their control. Read more about this here.

Property Damage: Whether due to tenant negligence or natural disasters, property damage is a real risk for investors. Comprehensive insurance coverage is essential to safeguard against significant financial losses.

Tenant Rights and Eviction Processes: 

 Yes Tenants Have A lot of Rights!

 Navigating tenant evictions requires landlords to meticulously follow legal procedures and timelines, even in instances of tenant misconduct.

 While property managers possess expertise and experience in handling such matters, it's crucial to acknowledge that they are not miracle workers and are subject to the same legal requirements as everyone else. However, their full-time dedication to property management equips them with streamlined systems and processes to navigate the complexities of evictions more effectively.

 By entrusting this task to professionals who specialize in property management, landlords can benefit from efficient handling of disputes and adherence to legal obligations.

 While these realities may seem daunting, it's essential to approach property investment with realistic expectations and proactive risk management strategies. Property investing is a journey marked by both triumphs and challenges, and preparation is key to navigating its complexities successfully.

 Remember, those who persevere through the obstacles and maintain a balanced perspective often emerge as the most resilient and successful investors.

Happy Investing!

PropertyWize Rental Owner Statements

Running the rental owner statement report is very important in determining the amount of your available disbursement payment. The rental owner statement will show you all the transactions affecting the owner’s available cash. It is a great place to find missing or incorrect transactions on your rental property that will cause inaccurate information. 

Some Tips When Running Owner Statement
  • Check the property beginning balance. At times, changes to past transactions can affect the owner’s running available for payment balance. Running a rental owner statement with a prior start date will help you find discrepancies. 

  • Run the rental owner statement including the transaction details. Seeing more a more detailed view can also help to find discrepancies or missing transactions

When to Use It
  • This is the best summary report to give to a rental owner each month 

  • Track the cash flow of the property(s) 

  • Report liabilities held 

  • Determine income and expenses recorded for an owner 

  • View the amount you should pay your owners 

  • Determine when an owner was not paid the correct amount

Important Information
  • The rental owner statement runs on a cash basis. 

  • The beginning cash balance is the amount owed to/from the rental owner, less tenant liabilities and property reserves, as of the day before the date range of the report. For example, if the report has a date range of July 1 through July 31, then the beginning balance is as of June 30.

  •  The beginning balance will represent a number other than $0 if you hold back money for a property reserve, are holding tenant liabilities, or if your reporting cycle differs from when you pay your rental owner. For example, if you pay a rental owner on the 4th of each month, a report run from the 1st through the 31st might not show a $0 beginning balance.

Instructions How to Run Owner Statement

  • Go to the Reports menu
  • Click the Rental Owner Statement link
  • Select your report parameters. More details:
  • Click Download report!

Schedule a Consultation Now!

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty

Enjoy Spring with our exclusive offer:

4.5% Commission on sales price.
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

Log In to Owner's Portal

Copyright © 2024 PropertyWize, LLC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a current client of PropertyWize.

Our mailing address is:
PropertyWize, LLC
10 Gerard Ave Ste 203
 Lutherville, MD 21093-3206
Add us to your address book

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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PropertyWize, LLC · 10 Gerard Ave Ste 203 · Lutherville, MD 21093-3206 · USA

April 2024 Newsletter

System - Friday, April 5, 2024
PropertyWize Monthly Newsletter | April 2024, Issue No. 21


April 2024 | Issue No. 21

Check out the newest issue of our monthly e-newsletter that features our newly implemented process updates, industry-related news, and our latest blog articles.

Here's what we have for you for this month.

Why is My Property Vacant: Filling the Gap Between Tenants

In this edition, we want to address a concern that may be on the minds of some of our property owners: the lingering vacancy of certain properties.

The question of "Why is my property still vacant?" is undoubtedly a valid one, and we want to assure you that we are diligently working to address this issue. While each property's situation may vary, we believe it's crucial to shed light on some common factors contributing to vacancies and our proactive measures to mitigate them.

Market Dynamics: The real estate market is inherently dynamic, subject to fluctuations influenced by various economic, social, and environmental factors. Shifts in demand, changes in demographics, and economic conditions can all impact the pace at which properties are leased. Despite our best efforts, vacancies can sometimes occur due to external market forces beyond our immediate control.

Competitive Pricing: One of the most critical factors in leasing a property is its pricing strategy. In a competitive market, setting the right rent that reflects the property's value while remaining attractive to potential tenants is essential. We continuously evaluate market trends and adjust pricing strategies accordingly to maximize occupancy rates while ensuring optimal returns for property owners.

Property Condition and Presentation: First impressions matter significantly in the rental market. Properties that are well-maintained, aesthetically pleasing, and offer desirable amenities are more likely to attract tenants. Our team conducts regular inspections and works closely with property owners to ensure that properties are in prime condition for leasing. Additionally, we provide recommendations for any necessary improvements or staging to enhance the property's appeal and expedite the leasing process.

Marketing and Promotion: Effective marketing is key to reaching potential tenants and showcasing your property's unique features. We employ a multi-faceted marketing approach that includes online listings, social media promotion, targeted advertising, and collaboration with real estate agents to maximize exposure. Our goal is to reach a wide audience of prospective tenants and generate interest in your property.

Tenant Screening and Selection: Finding the right tenant involves thorough screening and selection processes to mitigate risks and ensure a positive leasing experience. While this may lengthen the leasing timeline slightly, it ultimately contributes to the long-term stability and profitability of your investment. Our rigorous screening criteria prioritize reliable tenants with strong rental histories and financial stability, reducing the likelihood of future vacancies or payment issues.

The Time of Year - Seasonal Slowdowns: Even with our comprehensive marketing strategies in place, it's important to acknowledge seasonal fluctuations in the rental market. Periods like back-to-school season, Thanksgiving, and the December holidays often see a decrease in renter activity. This doesn't mean your property won't rent during these times, but vacancy periods may be slightly longer. Here at PropertyWize, we'll adjust our approach accordingly. We'll focus on highlighting the unique features that make your property stand out from the competition and leverage targeted marketing strategies to reach potential renters who might be actively searching during these times. By remaining flexible and adapting our tactics, we can still achieve a successful rental outcome for you.

At PropertyWize, we understand the importance of keeping your property occupied. By working together and implementing these strategies, we can minimize vacancy periods and maximize your rental income. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to be your partner in achieving your rental goals.

Thank you for entrusting us with the management of your valuable assets. Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

How to Know if Your Property Meets our Minimum Qualifications

Below is a link to a website where an interactive map of Baltimore City can be found. It uses colors to categorize different neighborhoods as ABCD. D areas are considered unsafe for our agents (D for Don't buy) and we absolutely do not manage any D areas. Anything between A to C+ neighborhoods we can manage provided the property owners are willing to renovate the house right to match our quality brand name and the quality tenants we want to attract.

Interactive Map of Baltimore City
The following items are characteristics of a property that meets our minimum standards:
  • Is not located in a Class D Area
  • No deferred maintenance that causes one or more unsafe conditions for residents and/or guests
  • Does not have original wooden windows with lead paint
  • Is NOT in violation of housing codes or violations
  • Has no signs of mold infestation or extensive rodent infestation
  • Has no strong odors
  • Freshly painted with neutral tone colors preferably gray with white trim in Eggshell, Satin or Semi Gloss finish
  • Has all black or stainless steel appliances Central Air included
  • Washer and Dryer included
  • Lawn care in good condition
Class D Area: An area with any of the following characteristics:
  • Above average crime for the City of Baltimore or the County in which the area exists.
  • More than one (1) boarded up property per block and/or Immediately adjacent near a board up/vacant property
  • Severely deferred maintenance issues Trash, debris, or illegal dumping
  • Clear signs of illegal drug use or sales An unsafe environment

For anything that leads outside Baltimore City, we recommend using this link to evaluate if it's located in a good area and what kind of rent you will likely get if you rent to a BRHP voucher tenant.

 This program's initial rent offer may be just okay compared with market value, but they have been very generous approving a 5% rent increase request each year as long as the property is in compliance. If you have time to read more on how they select Opportunity Area, you will see these are more desirable neighborhoods to live in general.

BRHP Property Eligibility

Understanding Emergency Repair Protocols

As a landlord, it's essential to understand your rights and obligations regarding emergency repairs in your rental property. One common concern among landlords is whether a property management company can authorize emergency repairs without notifying the owner and charging the owner for the repairs.

 Reviewing your contract with the property management company to address any concerns you may have is important. In case of a maintenance emergency, the landlord usually authorizes the management company to take necessary actions to prevent further damage to the unit. However, the landlord always retains the authority to act in such situations. The PM agreement outlines all the terms and conditions regarding this matter.

''Paragraph 9 A notwithstanding if such expense is specifically authorized by the Owner or is incurred under such circumstances as Agent shall reasonably deem to be an emergency where repairs are immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of the Property, or to avoid the suspension of any essential service to the Property, or to avoid danger to life or property, or to comply with federal, state, or local law, such emergency repairs shall be made by Agent at Owner’s expense without prior Owner’s approval, and Owner agrees to reimburse Agent for such expenses.''

 It's essential to consider the following two questions before deciding:
 1. Was the repair an emergency?
 2. Can the property management company charge you for repairs you didn't want them to make?

 The property management company should follow specific guidelines to identify real emergencies. Delaying repairs should not damage the property or cause liability to a tenant or neighbor.

 It's crucial to consider your state's habitability rules, which require landlords to make all necessary repairs to keep the premises habitable. Delaying an emergency repair could force a tenant to find alternative housing, leading to attorneys' fees and rental deductions.

 In conclusion, it's crucial to understand your rights and obligations as a landlord regarding emergency repairs in your rental property. Review your contract with the property management company and consider your state's habitability rules before deciding.

PropertyWize Rental Owner Statements

Running the rental owner statement report is very important in determining the amount of your available disbursement payment. The rental owner statement will show you all the transactions affecting the owner’s available cash. It is a great place to find missing or incorrect transactions on your rental property that will cause inaccurate information. 

Some Tips When Running Owner Statement
  • Check the property beginning balance. At times, changes to past transactions can affect the owner’s running available for payment balance. Running a rental owner statement with a prior start date will help you find discrepancies. 

  • Run the rental owner statement including the transaction details. Seeing more a more detailed view can also help to find discrepancies or missing transactions

When to Use It
  • This is the best summary report to give to a rental owner each month 

  • Track the cash flow of the property(s) 

  • Report liabilities held 

  • Determine income and expenses recorded for an owner 

  • View the amount you should pay your owners 

  • Determine when an owner was not paid the correct amount

Important Information
  • The rental owner statement runs on a cash basis. 

  • The beginning cash balance is the amount owed to/from the rental owner, less tenant liabilities and property reserves, as of the day before the date range of the report. For example, if the report has a date range of July 1 through July 31, then the beginning balance is as of June 30.

  •  The beginning balance will represent a number other than $0 if you hold back money for a property reserve, are holding tenant liabilities, or if your reporting cycle differs from when you pay your rental owner. For example, if you pay a rental owner on the 4th of each month, a report run from the 1st through the 31st might not show a $0 beginning balance.

Instructions How to Run Owner Statement

  • Go to the Reports menu
  • Click the Rental Owner Statement link
  • Select your report parameters. More details:
  • Click Download report!

Schedule a Consultation Now!

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty

Enjoy Spring with our exclusive offer:

5% Commission on sales price, along with a generous 30% rebate towards staging cost at closing. Say goodbye to admin fees too! 
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

Log In to Owner's Portal

December 2024 Newsletter

System - Thursday, January 11, 2024

Maximize your Returns: Invest with PropertyWize Realty

Did You Know?

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return through notes and mortgages secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc). It's a smart, secure, and profitable way to invest in the future of real estate. 

Flat Roof Issues in Baltimore City: Preemptive Measures for Effective Repairs

As homeowners and property managers in Baltimore City, we understand the unique challenges of maintaining and repairing flat roofs, which have become a popular roofing solution due to their aesthetic appeal and space-saving characteristics. 

Flat roofs, while visually striking, are particularly challenging in a city prone to extreme weather conditions. Issues such as water pooling, leaks, and material degradation can pose significant threats to the integrity of these roofs. Therefore, adopting preventive measures to address and forestall potential damages is imperative. 

Common Challenges with Flat Roofs:

Pooling Water: Unlike pitched roofs, flat roofs lack a natural drainage slope, leading to water accumulation and ponding. In Baltimore's variable climate, with heavy rains and occasional snow, standing water can accelerate roof deterioration.
Leakage: Improper installation, aging materials, or damage from extreme weather can result in leaks. These leaks often manifest as water stains on ceilings or walls, threatening the building's structural integrity.
Material Degradation: Baltimore's weather, characterized by high humidity and temperature fluctuations, accelerates the degradation of roofing materials. UV rays, thermal expansion, and contraction further contribute to material breakdown over time. 

Preventive Measures for Effective Repairs:

Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections, especially after extreme weather, to identify potential issues early. Check for cracks, tears, or blistering on the roof membrane.
Proper Drainage: Ensure efficient drainage by clearing debris from gutters, downspouts, and roof surfaces. Installing additional drainage systems or creating a slight slope can aid water runoff.
Quality Materials and Installation: Use high-quality roofing materials suitable for Baltimore's climate and ensure professional installation to mitigate premature deterioration.
Coatings and Sealants: Applying reflective coatings or sealants can prolong the roof's life, enhancing its resistance to weathering and reducing the impact of UV rays.
Timely Repairs: Address minor issues promptly before they escalate. This includes fixing small leaks, repairing damaged membranes, or replacing deteriorated sections.
Professional Maintenance: Engage roofing professionals for periodic maintenance. They can comprehensively assess the roof's condition and offer specialized repairs or treatments.
Recommended Annual Inspection and Replacement Schedule:
If your property has undergone roof repairs, we recommend an annual inspection costing $150.00. Also, we would suggest replacing flat roofs every three years, aligning with the standard warranty time frame.

In Baltimore City, flat roof maintenance requires a proactive approach to prevent issues and prolong the roof's lifespan. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, adequate drainage, quality materials, and professional maintenance are pivotal in preserving the integrity of flat roofs amidst the city's varying weather conditions. By implementing these preventive measures, property owners can mitigate the risk of extensive damages and ensure their flat roofs endure the rigors of Baltimore's climate for years. 

 From all of us at PropertyWize, we wish you & your family a joyful New Year! May this year bring you success, good health, and happiness. 

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty

Enjoy Winter with our exclusive offer:

5% Commission on sales price, along with a generous 30% rebate towards staging cost at closing. Say goodbye to admin fees too! 

* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

Log In to Owner's Portal

December 2023 Newsletter

System - Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Bracing for Winter: Winterizing Property

As cold weather approaches, there are chances of interior or exterior pipes getting frozen. To avoid freezing, the following precautions need to be taken. We do alert tenants to complete the following to work together to avoid any property damage from the cold winter weather.

If you are interested in having your home weatherized this season, please contact us today.

Office Holiday Schedule

As the holiday season approaches, we want to keep you informed about our office schedule during Christmas and New Year. Please note that our team will be back to regular office hours on the days following the holidays.

Office Holiday Schedule:
  • December 22nd: Open until 12:00 PM
  • December 25th & 26th: Closed

  • December 29th: Open until 12:00 PM

  • January 1st & 2nd: Closed
May this holiday season bring joy, warmth, and cherished moment to you and your loved ones. Thank you for being a valued client of PropertyWize!

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

Embrace Fall with our exclusive offer:

5% Commission on sales price, along with a generous 30% rebate towards staging cost at closing. Say goodbye to admin fees too!
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

October 2023 Newsletter

System - Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Check out the newest issue of our monthly e-newsletter that features our newly implemented process updates, industry-related news, and our latest blog articles.

Here's what we have for you for this month.

We want to assure you that PropertyWize is already in full compliance with the latest regulations. By continuing to rely on us as your trusted Property Manager, you won't have to worry about obtaining the rental license on your own. Your peace of mind is our priority.

Fire Prevention Tips: Safeguarding Your Investment and Tenants

October is Fire Prevention Month, a time to focus on fire safety. We, as property managers & owners, have a duty to keep properties and tenants safe. Let's work together to protect our investments and the residents. ï»¿Fires can be devastating, both emotionally and financially, but with proactive measures, we can significantly mitigate the risks.

Here are some immediate fire prevention tips, perfectly timed for this Fire Prevention Month:

1. Prompt Inspection of Alarms and Detectors:

   - Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Regularly inspect and test alarms on every floor to ensure they function correctly. Swiftly replace batteries and faulty units.

2. Emergency Equipment Ready:

   - Fire Extinguishers: Confirm that fire extinguishers are easily accessible, especially in the kitchen and garage. Tenants should be educated on their locations and usage.

3. Electrical Systems Check:

   - Wiring Inspection: Conduct a thorough examination of your property's electrical systems. Promptly address any anomalies or potential hazards to prevent electrical fires.

4. Outdoor Spaces:

   - Clear Pathways: Keep outdoor pathways clear to ensure swift evacuation if necessary.

5. Regular Property Inspections:

   - Routine Checks: Conduct regular property inspections, paying close attention to potential fire hazards. Address issues immediately to reduce risks.

6. Stay Prepared:   

   - Emergency Contacts: Ensure all tenants have access to emergency contact numbers, fostering a sense of security and preparedness.

By actively implementing these measures, we not only protect our investments but also create secure environments for our valued tenants.

Officially Launching in 2024: The Resident Benefit Package!

We're excited to announce that this game-changing program will officially launch on January 1st, 2024!

Starting from the new year, the Resident Benefit Package will be automatically included for all new tenants in our managed properties. For our existing tenants, this exciting package will be introduced upon lease renewal, ensuring everyone can benefit from these exceptional benefits. We are genuinely excited about this upcoming launch and believe it will further strengthen the positive rental experience we offer.

We are dedicated to ensuring the success of this initiative, providing top-notch services to both you and your tenants. If you have any questions about how this new package will impact your property or if you'd like more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Got Questions? Explore FAQs by clicking here.

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

Keep Reading

PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

Embrace Fall with our exclusive offer:

5% Commission on sales price, along with a generous 30% rebate towards closing costs. Say goodbye to admin fees too!
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only.

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

Log In to Owner's Portal

September 2023 Newsletter

System - Friday, September 8, 2023

Pests & Property Management: Who's Responsible?

Pests can cause issues year-round, affecting property. Owners often think pest control is solely the tenant's problem. Maintaining a safe and habitable rental property is essential for landlords. Here's why:

  1. Health and Safety: Pests like rodents can spread diseases and harm tenant health. Address pest issues promptly with professional help.

  2. Property Damage: Termites, rodents, roaches, and ants can quickly damage your property. Act fast when you notice a problem to prevent extensive damage.

  3. Tenant Satisfaction: A pest-free environment is the expectation of tenants. Neglecting pest control can lead to complaints and negative online reviews.

  4. Lower Turnover: Pests drive tenants away. Failing to deal with the issue can result in frequent turnovers and ongoing pest problems.

However, owners should take it seriously to minimize property liability.

Tenant's responsibility:

For common pests like ants, mice, roaches, and spiders, tenants can help by maintaining basic hygiene:

  • Maintain cleanliness within the property, preventing food waste that might lure pests.

  • Remove pet food that attracts pests. If your pets have fleas, address the issue and consider preventive measures.

  • Keep garbage areas clean. Dispose of trash regularly and store it in tightly sealed outdoor containers.

  • Promptly inform your landlord if you discover or suspect pest activity.

  • Report any visible openings or exterior damage that could allow pests to enter the home.

  • Exercise care to avoid introducing pests from locations you've been to.

Owner's responsibility:

For rats, owners must act promptly. It's the owner's responsibility as per Baltimore's code. Neglecting this can result in fines or settlements, and importantly, it causes liability to property. 

Best Practices for Property Owners

Here's how property owners can handle pest control effectively:

  1. Regular Pest Control: Consider quarterly or semi-annual pest control to prevent major infestations.

  2. Address Problem Areas: Fix areas that attract pests, like standing water for mosquitoes.

  3. Professional Pest Control: When in need, listen to property management professionals and use professional pest control services.

  4. Cost vs. Risk: Weigh the costs of pest control services against losing good tenants or facing legal problems.

See the attached link for our recommendations for tenant and owner responsibility as per the sort of the house.

Coming Soon: The Resident Benefit Package!

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new initiative that will enhance the living experience for both you and your tenants. Introducing the Resident Benefit Package!

It is designed to elevate your tenant’s living experience to create a competitive advantage for property owners. Offering these benefits to residents will improve tenant satisfaction and retention, while also making your property more appealing to prospective residents. A win-win for everyone involved.

Stay tuned for more details. Your property's success is our priority!

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

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PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

Embrace Fall with our exclusive offer:

5% Commission on sales price, along with a generous 30% rebate towards closing costs. Say goodbye to admin fees too!
* For any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only. 

Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

August 2023 Newsletter

System - Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Should I Rent to Section 8 Tenants? A Guide to the Housing Choice Voucher Program

The term “Section 8 tenants” refers to renters who qualify for the government’s Housing Choice Voucher Program.

  • How do people qualify, and what exactly is this program?
    • Renters who qualify must have an extremely low income, and if they do, the program helps them afford local housing by paying for 33%-75% of the rent. Some people in this program are elderly, some are disabled, and some simply have little or no income.

Landlords are divided on whether they should or must rent to Section 8 tenants, and for good reason. The laws vary state to state, and even county to county.

The Fair Housing Act (FHA), a federal law, doesn’t prohibit landlords from discriminating based on Section 8. However, some states, counties, and municipalities do, often by prohibiting discrimination based on “source of income” or “public assistance status” – considering them a “protected class.”

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons.

Pros & Cons of the Section 8 Program

  • Section 8 Waitlist
    • Pro: Guaranteed Rent
      • “Guaranteed Rent” – Two words that are music to a landlord’s ears. It almost sounds too good to be true.

        But, under the Section 8 program, you are guaranteed at least a portion of the rent to be paid to you by the government – the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to be exact.

        And because you’re dealing with the federal government, this could be a mixed bag. Which brings us to our first two cons...

    • Con: The Approval Process
      • As with any government agency, red tape is involved, and Section 8 is no different.

        First, you must fill out paperwork, and then your local Public Housing Authority, which operates under the Housing Choice Voucher Program, must approve your rental property.

        Then, your property must undergo an inspection, and if approved, it must continue this type of inspection annually.

        To pass, your property needs to meet acceptable health and safety codes. And whether your house is approved could depend on how stringent the inspector is in your area (meaning – you should expect to repair minor issues).

        Also it’s important to note, the inspection process includes inspectors that typically can make their own rules when it comes to deciding which items that needs repairs. In our experience, there is no real way to be proactive since every inspector is completely different. 

    • Con: Subject to Rent Control
      • If you are approved, the Housing Authority then reviews your lease and often restricts how much you can charge for rent. In other words, you can’t necessarily charge what you like.

        You can’t charge whatever you want.

        You generally can only charge what other properties in your area charge. So your property will be subject to a sort of appraisal process to determine rent.

        Note that sometimes, depending on the area your property is in, you might receive more rent through HUD than you would by going through the open marketplace (but I wouldn’t count on it).

        HUD then agrees to pay a certain percentage (this varies by case) of the rent. Your tenant pays the remainder, which usually amounts to 30% of their gross income.

        Generally, a tenant only pays about 30% of the rent amount.

    • Pro: Long-term Tenants
      • Many Section 8 tenants, after being approved for the program and after finding a place to rent, tend to stay put for a while.

        Moving is allowed, but Section 8 tenants need to notify the Housing Authority, give you proper notice, and find another place. In other words, it’s a hassle.

        Plus, when Section 8 tenants sign a lease, it’s generally for at least one year.

    • Con: You Hurry Up and Wait
      • It usually takes a long time to go through the Section 8 process.

        By the time you fill out the paperwork, get an inspector to come out, make necessary repairs if required, get the inspector to come out again to check your repairs, get a tenant in, and then receive rent, you might have been able to rent the place to someone else sooner. Meanwhile, you’re receiving no income.

        The vacancy caused by delays due to red tape usually outweighs any benefit of the program.

Your Results May (Will) Vary

Section 8 tenants have a bad reputation. And just like any stereotype, there could be some truth to it, but every case is different.

People complain that Section 8 tenants are masters at manipulating the system, and many landlords are left holding the bag.

As with all tenants, there are so many things that can go wrong. For example:

  • They lose their voucher, and then won’t leave,
  • They destroyed your property, and the housing authority won’t compensate you,
  • They moved extra people in despite that being against the rules.
  • They become a nuisance to their neighbors.
  • They may be guilty of other lease violations.

Some people, whether they are temporarily down on their luck, are disabled, or live on a fixed income, might not be able to afford housing without some help, but they could make wonderful tenants.

The key is for you to run a background check and credit report, and to call prior landlords. Do your due diligence before accepting any tenant.

  • But just as there are horror stories with Section 8 tenants, there are good experiences too.

Even with properly vetting tenants, there is still no guarantee that nothing will go wrong when dealing with people. The best offense is to protect your investment by working with a reputable management company as well as purchasing additional insurance for yourself.

Some Municipalities Require Participation

Some municipalities require landlords to accept Section 8 tenants, meaning that whether you want to deal with a government agency or not, you have to, even though this should be the landlord’s decision.

For example, if a Section 8 tenant fills out a rental application in a municipality that requires landlords to accept it, and if that applicant passes your screening process, you need to start the ball rolling to have your property approved… unless you rent it to another qualified applicant first. (After all, the government is not known for moving fast.)

Even California and the city of Chicago protect people in the program; however, many states like Colorado allow a landlord to “opt-in,” rather than being required to participate.

Note that you don’t have to accept an applicant just because they have a Section 8 voucher. In jurisdictions that require you to take Section 8 tenants, you are encouraged to screen them as you would anyone else.

You need to contact your local or state fair housing agency to determine what the law is in your jurisdiction.

Pros and Cons of a Home Warranty for Rental Property


A home warranty offers several advantages; but, they also have some disadvantages too. 

Pros of a Rental Property Home Warranty

They provide flat rates for repair which can save money. They bring good selling points in getting prospective tenants. They contract with the best local contractors to make repairs. The cost of a rental property home warranty and service calls are tax-deductible.

Cons of a Rental Property Home Warranty

They don't have a real sense of urgency and if the repair is considered an emergency, a delay from the appliance company can cost you a good tenant, or worse liability issues resulting in legal action. They spend as little time and money on your home as possible, so they may choose to repair problems instead of replacing damaged items such as air conditioners and electrical systems. Since repairs do not always last as long as replacements, you could face more expenses soon. Some items may not be covered by the warranty without an additional policy upgrade cost. They usually spend a lot of time to get a simple repair done and if you need to make a claim, the process can be time-consuming too.

A home warranty can be a helpful tool for those who want added protection against the cost of repairing or replacing certain home appliances and systems. However, before deciding whether a home warranty is the best option for you, it is essential to carefully consider its costs, coverage, and restrictions. There are numerous drawbacks to purchasing a home guarantee. 

Any questions or concerns about this, feel free to place a request via your Rental Owner portal.
PropertyWize Maintenance Program
Log In to Owner's Portal

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

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PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

From Now until Labor Day SPECIAL OFFER!

4.5% Commission on sales price and 50% rebate towards staging on any new listings for any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only.
Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

July 2023 Newsletter

System - Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Twelve Proactive Resolutions For Investors

12 resolutions to ensure the success of any investment, at any time of year.

  1. Review your property insurance annually. 
    • While it is critical to keep insurance up-to-date, you must also keep up with the numerous changes that impact it. Nobody wants to discover that their insurance has expired or is insufficient.
  2. Organize tax information on investments.
    • Begin preparing investment records for your tax accountant as soon as possible to avoid overlooking any vital deductions.
  3. Review your ROI.
    • Make time to review your return on investment (ROI) for each property once a year. Knowing your income and expenses might help you plan for numerous other resolutions discussed in this article, such as a maintenance plan or even purchasing a new investment.
  4. Consider precautionary measures.
    • It is not realistic to believe that your investment property will not require repairs. Preventative maintenance can help you avoid expensive and unnecessary major repairs.  Make a budget for routine repairs while creating your annual budget. During the holidays, no one wants that emergency maintenance call.
  5. Make long-term maintenance plans.
    • Rental property usually considered as a long-term investment. Roofs will age, carpets will deteriorate, water heaters may fail, and so on. Creating a budget for major costs will help if they occur or if an unexpected emergency occurs.
  6. Examine your investment portfolio.
    • Perhaps this is the time to think about selling your home and investing in another. It could also be an excellent moment to add a new property to your portfolio. Contact us for a realistic rental value for any property you are considering purchasing.
  7. Review current tenancy.
    • Check your Owner's Portal regularly for any updates from us. It's possible that a lease renewal is on the horizon, and you'll need to encourage a tenant to stay. It may also be time to serve a tenant with a notice. Knowing what is going on in your property is preferable than being taken by surprise.
  8. Keep up with legislation.
    • When it comes to investment property, there is always something occurring in the courts, such as bedbugs, hoarding, mold, and so on. We will try to make every effort  to keep you informed of any major developments that may have an impact on you. This email newsletter is being sent to you because we want to keep you updated. It is critical that you stay current on legislation that may affect your property.
  9. Always adhere to Fair Housing.
    • Fair Housing impacts many aspects of investment property, including advertising, showings, applications, and renting. Investors who violate Fair Housing laws and regulations may face severe penalties. Following Fair Housing regulations is critical to a successful investment.
  10. Never, ever retaliate.
    • Unfortunately, tenants can be incredibly annoying and difficult. A property owner may become enraged as a result of this. However, it is critical that the court not interpret any action taken by a property owner as retribution. This is a sure way to lose in court. Before taking any action, consult with us to avoid triggering a legal problem or incurring financial harm.
  11. Utilize risk management techniques.
    • All of the prior resolutions are self-evident. They are also techniques to exercise risk management and protect your investment, if you think about it. When you use this approach, you boost your chances of making a highly profitable investment.
  12. Be a part of the team
    • It is essential for property owners and property management companies to work together as a "team." We fight to preserve your investment, and we are more successful when you consider us an integral member of the team. Please let us know if you have any questions or issues, and we will gladly assist you.

Turnover Management Process 

Our mission is to complete turnover work as one of the best professional service in the area. Below please find our standard timeline for a units needing basic turnover services. Of course, this timeline may change depending on what is needed in the property at the time the unit is vacant as well as during high volume times when there are a lot of vacancies.

The turnover process starts when the tenant provides us with the keys to the unit. Upon receiving the keys we schedule to move-out inspection to know the condition of the property , including bulk trash, and if the property has any active pest issues. We send our turnover vendor specialist to provide estimates for cleaning, painting, and our standard punch list. If the unit is single-family, we send a landscaper to maintain the lawn during vacancy. We do our best to provide you with at least 2 estimates for approval. Once the estimate is approved, we need 50% funds to get the turnover work started from the owner.

The turnover can be delayed because of multiple issues, materials from the warehouse, shortage of materials, turnover peak time, etc. Once the turnover (painting, punch list, and cleaning) is complete, the Leasing department is notified immediately and we decide if our photographer needs to be contacted for professional pictures. As a quality assurance measure, apart of our final checks includes the Maintenance department scheduling a pre-move-in inspection to make sure that the property is ready for occupancy.

Curious to know PropertyWize standard on turnover to attract high quality tenants, please click here-

Check out the checklist our Professionals Photographers recommend completing before scheduling a shoot-

Any questions or concerns about this process, feel free to place a request via your Rental Owner portal.
Log In to Owner's Portal

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

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PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

From Now until Labor Day SPECIAL OFFER!

4.5% Commission on sales price and 50% rebate towards staging on any new listings for any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only.
Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

June 2023 Newsletter

System - Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Right Tenant is Worth the Wait

The success of a rental property highly depends on finding the right tenant. Disregarding an applicant's poor credentials and rental history just to rent your property immediately will surely cause more headache and financial loss in the long run. At PropertyWize, we follow a strict guideline on assessing an application to make sure we vet the best tenant for you. Click here to learn more about our screening process.

How We Determine Market Rent

Listing your property at an excessive rental price will increase the vacancy period. PropertyWize considers a combination of the following to determine the market rent: comps, recent rent collected, and current conditions of the property. We also pull data from our Rental Analysis Reports to determine the best rate for your investment. We are here to protect your investment and find the right tenant for you by determining the best market rent as we see fit. 

Avoiding Court and Other Liabilities by Being Safe

A plan for minimizing property owners' liability and adhering to building guidelines is to provide tenants with safety. A residence needs to have a safe environment on both the inside and outside of the building.

A significant key for decreasing liability is to "think preventative." Repair costs can be reduced or avoided by paying for maintenance. Courts have a negative view of property owners who do not pay attention to dangerous maintenance. It might also be beneficial to encourage tenants to stay with the tenancy. If a tenant's home is safe and comfortable, they are less likely to move. This reduces rental income loss.

Interior Safety

  1. Fix flooring problems such as exposed carpet tacks, loose tiles, ripped linoleum, and stretching carpeting when necessary.

  2. Replace any flooring when it becomes a trip hazard as soon as possible.

  3. Repair any unsafe electrical problems, such as broken receptacles, unsafe wiring, or faulty stove/oven and dishwasher units immediately.

  4. Maintain or replace smoke alarms so that they work properly in the event of a fire.

  5. Install carbon dioxide detectors on the property. This is a relatively inexpensive item to promote tenant safety and is now required by law.

  6. Provide and install a fire extinguisher. This may also reduce your property insurance rates.

  7. Replace or fix window locks, ensuring that the tenant can easily open all moving windows to provide escape routes in the event of a fire or to prevent burglary.

  8. If neighborhood problems require bars on windows and doors, install the type easily opened from all moving windows and doors. Then, to be on the safe side, have the fire department check them.

  9. Installing double-cylinder deadbolts with thumb throws is a big safety item.

  10. Replace inside keyed deadbolts. These can trap a tenant if a fire occurs and the key is missing.

  11. Remove or fix any problem that could promote mold problems, such as leaking or dripping faucets, broken bathroom fans, etc. If necessary, have the property evaluated by an experienced mold expert. This is one of the highest liability areas for landlords today.

  12. Always have asbestos or lead-based paint removed properly. This is mandated federal law and the fines are huge if there are violations.

Exterior Safety Issues

  1. Install proper lighting around the property to help deter or expose waiting for predators of all kinds.

  2. Keep bushes and trees trimmed to not only assist with exterior lighting but also avoid areas where tenants can trip and injure themselves.

  3. Removing large tree branches can also prevent damage to roofs, people, and tenant vehicles.

  4. Repair large cracks that cause uneven sidewalks and driveways - another trip hazard.

  5. Remove dangerous tree roots - this can cause large cracks in sidewalks and driveways.

  6. Have hanging wiring, falling gutters, and falling roof tiles, removed immediately.

  7. Remove high grasses or debris that could promote fire danger.

  8. Repair, replace, or take out unsafe patio covers, sheds, fences, or structures that could cause a hazard.

  9. Repair or remove dangerous potholes, rocks, or toxic waste.

  10. Fix the source of any standing water. This not only eliminates potential pest problems but can also reduce water bills.

  11. If there is a pool or spa, be sure there is proper maintenance of the water and that it complies with all safety codes.

Be a Hero! PropertyWize Referral Program

Pick anyone and we’ll manage their property for 1 month for free and yours for free, too.

For Referrals
Only applicable to first time customers. Property also must minimum standards and fully compliant of all state and local laws.

For Current Clients
To qualify, your account must be in good standing. Also only 1 property management fee credit is applicable up to a maximum of $150.00

Owner Benefit Package

Minimize Your Exposure... and Headaches:
When a tenant defaults on the rent, it can take months to regain your property and get another tenant in place. Meanwhile, you're continuing to make mortgage payments and incurring additional expenses on the property, all the while losing rental income. Enter the Owner Benefit Package.

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PropertyWize Realty | Invest Secured By Real Estate

We buy houses using private investors as our banks and share the profits with them. Our private investors get a fixed return on a note and mortgage secured by real estate. They can use funds from savings or even retirement accounts (IRA’s, 401(k), etc).
How is Your Loan Secured?


PropertyWize Realty

From Now until Labor Day SPECIAL OFFER!

4.5% Commission on sales price and 50% rebate towards staging on any new listings for any properties valued over 150K for current or former Property Management clients only.
Interested in Selling Your Property? Contact us now at!

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